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电话: 0571-82734673
传真: 0571-82768270
姓名: Jeanny Wang

  We are one of the fastest growing manufacturers of washed down / feather and down / feather filled bedding products in China. We offer the largest selection of products including down / feather, down / feather filled bedding products, synthetic filled bedding products, silk filled bedding products, bed linens and shells etc. We've been dedicating to quality, flexibility, and above all customers’ satisfaction. Today, we are exporting our products to more than 20 countries! We're committed to serving our customers better than any other suppliers. With our broad range of products, INSIGHT is the only bedding products supplier you need!...

主要产品/业务: Down & Feather Filled Bedding Products Synthetic Filled Bedding Products Bed Linens Blankets Wool & Silk Bedding Products Washed Down & Feather

HANGZHOU PARADISE IMPORT & EXPORT CO.,LTD / 浙江 / Room 2613,Tower A,Taifu Plaza,NO.1 Middle Tonghui Road,Xiaos (311201 ) / 电话:0571-82734673

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